Our 2nd Cruise of Alaska
In July 2011, we took our 2nd cruise of Alaska. We saw a lot of the same sites as our first cruise but it was still amazing. We flew into Seattle and immediately boarded our cruise ship.
We cruised into Glacier Bay and saw some amazing sites. Mountains, glaciers, icebergs, a few whales, and sea birds.
Juneau was our first port of call. We were supposed to take a helicopter to Mendenhall Glacier and walk it, but the weather did not permit a flight. So we went into town, did a bit of shopping, and had lunch. Shelly had a dungeness crab that was huge.
Our second stop was Ketchikan. We went salmon fishing and Shelly caught a nice 10 lb salmon. We had it filleted and shipped home. It was delicious, but it was the most expensive salmon we ever ate! We also saw beautiful bal eagles on this stop.
Our last stop was in Skagway where we took a train ride along the White Pass & Yukon Route.
We arrived in Seattle and spent a day walking the city and taking pictures. We went to the famous fish market and watched the fish mongers tossing fish 30 to 40 feet to each other. The clouds were in so Mount Rainier was a bit obscured, but still was beautiful.