Isolation Day 29 - A Couple Video Calls add Normalcy to Life
Isolation Day 28 - Happy Easter!!!
Isolation Day 27 - Finally a bit of Productivity
Isolation Day 26 - It Ain't Over til it's Over
Isolation Day 25 - Fish or Swim
Isolation Day 23 - It's a Joyous Day!
Isolation Day 22 - Party when it's Over?
Isolation Day 21 - Three Weeks and Grateful
Isolation Day 20 - Turkey and Stuffing and Beans, Oh My!
Isolation Day 19 - The Natural
Isolation Day 18 - We Binged on Scrabble
Isolation Day 17 - Another Lazy Day
Isolation Day 16 - Prayers for the Caregivers
Isolation Day 15 - Playing a Waiting Game
Isolation Day 14 - Subs and Scrabble
Isolation Day 12 - Broken Eggs and Shaved Heads
Isolation Day 11 - Prayers are Helping!
Isolation Day 10 - Thank You for the Prayers
Isolation Day 9 - A Brisk Walk by the Lake
Isolation Day 8 - Virtual Beer Monday with Friends