Shelly and I have been graced with 5 cats in our time together. Jellybean, Goldie, and Misty gave us years of love before they passed and crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Lennon and McCartney came to us in November 2012, and provide us companionship and joy every day.

Jellybean was a domestic tabby and was born in 1985. Our daughter Melissa named him Jellybean. He loved us, especially his Mom. He had the cutest face, and would climb into bed every night to get his pets before he settled down sleeping between Shelly's legs. The only speeding ticket I ever had was because Shelly called me at work to tell me he was sick and asked me to take him to the vets. I rushed home and got nabbed along the way. Early on, we overfed Jellybean, and he tipped the scales at 26 lbs. I said he was 26 lbs of pure love. We eventually got him on a special diet, and he trimmed down to a svelte 16 lbs. Jellybean ruled the roost. It was his house, and we were his companions. Jellybean was pure joy!
Gold was born in 1991 and we got her to be a companion to Jellybean. Unfortunately Jellybean wanted nothing to do with her, and Goldie had a rough time with him initially. She was independent, but purred incessantly when we were near her. She got much more cuddly as she got older. Goldie loved to have her face brushed, and laid on the ottoman in our den just waiting for us to give her attention. She was a gift to us, and I miss her terribly.
We got Misty in 1993. She was stray who was living on the porch of friends of ours. They called Shelly and told her about a beautiful black cat whom they could not keep, and to see if we wanted her. Shelly called me and I knew we were going to adopt her, so Melissa and I brought our cat carrier when we went to meet her. Melissa named her Misty, and she would carry her around the house on her shoulder. She more than held her own with Jellybean. Misty was very cuddly and loved us all, and we loved her very much.
We adopted Lennon (and McCartney) in 2012 when she was about 8 weeks old. She's a Bengal/tabby mix and has beautiful markings. She's definitely a lap cat. She sleeps between our legs or on our chests whenever she can. She and McCartney cuddled a lot together when they were younger, but their affections are for their Mom and Dad now. Lennon loves to snuggle up on a blanket on the couch or bed, and prefers it if one of us is right next to her.
We adopted McCartney in Nov 2012, along with Lennon. They are not biological sisters, but apparently were weened by the same mother. McCartney is a beautiful Calico, with a gorgeous face. She purrs whenever we're around, and loves getting her face brushed. McCartney likes to climb on my lap, but not for too long. It seems like she can't take too much cuddling. She occasionally comes up on our bed when we're sleeping, but prefers to stay on the floor. We rarely see her sleep; she just likes to keep an eye on what's going on around the house.