Shelly and I met Melissa, Rhys and Knox at a Fredericks Keys baseball game. The weather was gorgeous, the game was fun, and the grandkids were precious as usual. First the boys went to the playground that included a moon bounce and large slide. They got their picture taken with team mascot, Keyote.

They spent 30 minutes playing, then sat down to watch the game. The game was fun and exciting. There were a lot of hits and runs scored, and only a few walks and errors. During the game, Rhys and Knox got very large snow cones, which was supposed to be their only treat for the game. But around the 6th inning, Knox saw a man carrying a pole with cotton candy attached, and he raised his hand and flagged him down! The man came over and Shelly, Melissa, and I were both astonished and hysterical. Melissa gave Knox a $5.00 bill and he paid for the treat. What a little hustler!

The game ended in a 7-7 tie, and then the lights went off for the fireworks show. The boys loved their visit and we loved spending time with them.