My brother Al talked with Connie for about an hour last night. She was supposed to be moved out of ICU today to a regular room. She is anxious to get started on physical therapy, and get out of the hospital.
I was thinking about what the new normal is going to be, at least until a vaccine is available. Wearing face masks when out in public? No more shaking hands with or hugging friends? No foreign travel? These are 1st world problems. The people who have lost their jobs and healthcare have real problems. The people who have lost family members have really been affected. For me so far, this is a minor inconvenience. I pray for the others who have been greatly affected.
I watched Governor Cuomo's press conference with a number of governors from the North Eastern states. They are coordinating a single reopening strategy, which makes lots of sense. Cuomo has demonstrated tremendous leadership during this crisis.
I watched the 1984 movie Red Dawn starring Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, and other young, future stars. I've seen this movie a few times, most recently probably 20 years ago. It's pretty bad. The acting is a joke, and the battle scenes are not believable. I did not remember it being so bad. I have Amazon Prime, Netfiix and Hulu, and this is the movie I pick? Bad choice on my part. I vow to do better.
I had a nice Skype call with my friend Allan Kalkstein this morning. We talked about our recent travels before the virus outbreak, and caught up on our lives in quarantine. Allan and I meet for lunch about once per month, so it was great catching up.
Shelly and I did "Beer Monday" with our friends Bob and Kate Coleman via Face Time. It's become a routine for us during quarantine, and we very much enjoy it. It helps add some normalcy to our lives.
Here's a throwback photo of Shelly and me during our 2006 trip to Puerto Rico. We went to a rain forest outside of San Juan and someone made a hat out of tree leaves for Shelly so she could look silly.

And in closing, Shelly and I saw Ringo Starr and his All-Starr Band in Baltimore in 2012. It was a superb concert of course. Here they are performing With a Little Help from my Friends.