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  • Writer's pictureKen Murray

Isolation Day 51 - My Favorite Quarantine Partner

I have to say Shelly has been great to be with during quarantine. She's been loving, fun, and cooks great meals for us everyday. Thanks so much for being my Covid-19 partner, Shelly!

Andrew Cotter is a British sports broadcaster who, without sports during the quarantine, is doing play-by-play for his two labs. They are both cute and hilarious. He's done three so far and the following is my favorite. You can find the other two on YouTube by searching "Andrew Cotter dogs."

I watched a few innings of South Korean baseball on ESPN. It's baseball, so it's good. But I miss MLB and the Yankees.

I was up until 3am watching the 1967 movie The Dirty Dozen starring Lee Marvin, Charles Bronson, John Cassavetes, Telly Savalas, Jim Brown, Donald Sutherland, and a number of other B-listers. It's about an Army major (Marvin) who picks and trains a dozen G.I. criminals to carry out a daring mission behind enemy lines in Germany. It's a decent movie but not worth staying up until 3am to watch it. 6 out of 10 stars.

I watched the movie The Hunt for Red October, from the book by the Tom Clancy. It stars Sean Connery as Marko Ramius, the captain of new type of Soviet nuclear submarine who decides to defect and turn it over to the US. The Soviet Navy tries to track him down and sink him. Alec Baldwin plays Jack Ryan, a CIA analyst who plans the US response. It's a very good, suspenseful movie and worth 8 out of 10 stars.

Here's a throwback photo of Shelly and her cousin David Pederson during our trip to Sweden in 2015. David was wonderful, as he guided us all over Stockholm and Varmland. Unfortunately David passed away last year. We would have loved to have spent time with him again.

And in closing, Shelly and I saw Enya in Virginia 20+ years ago. I'm not sure why we went to see her, but she was good. Here she is performing "Only Time."

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