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  • Writer's pictureKen Murray

Isolation Day 9 - A Brisk Walk by the Lake

The weather was beautiful today, sunny in the mid-50's, so we took a walk by the lake near our neighborhood. There were 4 or 5 others out walking. I got pretty winded so I need to exercise more and get in shape.

My brother's wife is in critical condition with acute respiratory distress syndrome and pneumonia. She is on a ventilator. She was tested for Covid-19 but the results won't be available for several more days. She was diagnosed with the flu 10 days ago and could just not get better. Asking for prayers for her and my brother.

Shelly made lasagna today. Delicious as usual! Thanks Shelly!

We're hunkering down tonight to watch some TV, maybe the movie Bombshell.

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