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  • Writer's pictureKen Murray

Jimmy Buffett in Concert!!!

Updated: Aug 18, 2022

Shelly, Melissa, Christen and I attended the Jimmy Buffett concert at Jiffy Lube Live in Bristow, Virginia and had a wonderful time. Jimmy is 75 or so, but he shows as much energy and enthusiasm as he did when we saw him 20 years ago. We were so glad to see Jimmy again because we missed much of the first concert due to massive traffic backups.

Shelly got the tickets through Vet Tix which gives concert and other event tickets to veterans and active duty military. We arrived around 4:00pm to tailgate before the 8:00pm show. The weather was quite warm, but we found some shade behind Melissa's minivan and set up our chairs and table. We chatted and snacked on appetizers, and headed for our seats around 7:30pm.

The crowd was dressed up, wearing pirate outfits, shark fins, and Margaritaville apparel, and beach balls were flying through the air. Jimmy played all his hits and the crowd loved it. It was great to finally see his entire show. Here's a video snippet of "Margaritaville".

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