I'm doing these blogs for my own benefit and to record my take on the history that we are living. I want to look back on these posts years from now to see what I was experiencing, doing, thinking and feeling during the Covid-19 pandemic. It's a cathartic exercise. You may not agree with all of my thoughts and that's OK.
It's been another lazy day. I'm having difficulty getting motivated right now. I'd like to walk outside or on my treadmill, and start-up with Spanish again. Maybe tomorrow. The weather is supposed to be in the 80's by Friday, so I'll have to get outside. Shelly went to the grocery store today and got a few staples and some stuff for her Mother. She said there were no paper products available, and fortunately we don't need any.

I watched the White House Task Force briefing today. Trump and company tried to put a positive spin on things (we're gonna win this war!), but I believe life has changed as we know it.
Trump says he is now a "wartime" president. But he doesn't lead, he doesn't calm the citizens or the market. I'd like him to lay out a national strategy, with national containment edicts with enforcement. Until a few days ago, he was stating he had everything under control and the virus would dissipate in April. He's leaving it all up to the states to figure out and resolve, but it's a national emergency, and his failure to react months ago has left us in a precarious situation. The reality is Trump minimized Covid-19. It's well-documented in his tweets and video statements.
I'd like him to stop referring to Covid-19 as the "Chinese Virus." He loves to place blame, but that is not leadership. He also referred to candidate Joe Biden as "Sleepy Joe." Name calling and blaming should be beneath a president.
The Defense Department is now active and sending two hospital ships to hot spots, including NYC. Trump also invoked Defense Production Act which gives the president powers to leverage companies to manufacture necessary products and put critical services in place.
A disproportionate number of NBA basketball players have been tested for Covid-19. How are they getting the tests? $$$ and privilege??? Yes.
Trading on stock exchange was frozen again after dropping 1700 points during the press conference. The market is saying what's being done is not enough. The DOW finished down 1340 points, wiping out nearly all gains made since Trump became president. So far, the market has not reacted positively to his actions.

And to conclude, for my listening pleasure, here is John Lennon's song "Isolation."