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  • Writer's pictureKen Murray

We saw Elvis Costello at the Lyric in Baltimore

Shelly got last minute tickets from Vet Tix to see Elvis Costello and the Imposters at the Lyric in Baltimore on July 9. I was excited to see him as I liked his popular songs and hits in the late 70's/early 80's. Shelly didn't know his music so it would be a new experience for her. Nick Lowe (composer and signer of the 1970's song, "Cruel to be Kind") was the warm up band.

We arrived at the Lyric around 6:00pm and went to eat dinner at the Brass Tap across the street. I had a grilled cheese which had brie, bacon, and blueberry jam, and it was very good. It's nice to have a go to place when we have a show at the Lyric.

Nick Lowe came on at 7:30pm, and he and the band were good. I forget the name of the band but they did a few surf music instrumentals that I really liked. Nick Lowe performed "Cruel to be Kind" and a video snippet is below.

Elvis Costello came on around 8:45pm. He performed about 6 songs I had never heard of, mostly sounded like jazz or big band tunes. Then he sang "Allison", and I was now looking forward to his classics. But they didn't come. More jazzy and big band tunes. I was disappointed as these were not the Elvis Costello tunes I used to listen to. We decided to leave around 10:00pm. I had looked at previous concert set lists, and he played a couple, well-known songs, like "What's so Funny about Peace, Love, and Understanding", at the end of the show, so we missed them.

I have to confess that I did not own any of his albums, but remember liking "Accidents Will Happen", "Oliver's Army", "Radio, Radio", etc. Oh, well, we still had a great time, and a grateful to Vet Tix for making tickets to top shows available to veterans.

Here's a couple photos of Costello and a video snippet.

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